Remote tomography and entanglement swapping via von Neumann–Arthurs–Kelly interaction

TitleRemote tomography and entanglement swapping via von Neumann–Arthurs–Kelly interaction
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsRoy, SM, Deshpande, A, Sakharwade, N
JournalPhysical Review A
Date Published2014/05/09

We propose an interaction-based method for remote tomography and entanglement swapping. Alice arranges a von Neumann-Arthurs-Kelly interaction between a system particle P and two apparatus particles A1,A2, and then transports the latter to Bob. Bob can reconstruct the unknown initial state of particle P not received by him by quadrature measurements on A1,A2. Further, if another particle P′ in Alice's hands is EPR entangled with P, it will be EPR entangled with the distant pair A1,A2. This method will be contrasted with the usual teleportation protocols.
