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Site-by-site quantum state preparation algorithm for preparing vacua of fermionic lattice field theories


Answering whether quantum computers can efficiently simulate quantum field theories has both theoretical and practical motivation. From the theoretical point of view, it answers the question of whether a hypothetical computer that utilizes quantum field theory would be more powerful than other quantum computers. From the practical point of view, when reliable quantum computers are eventually built, these algorithms can help us better understand the underlying physics that govern our world. In the best known quantum algorithms for simulating quantum field theories, the time scaling is dominated by initial state preparation. In this paper, we exclusively focus on state preparation and present a heuristic algorithm that can prepare the vacuum of fermionic systems in more general cases and more efficiently than previous methods. With our method, state preparation is no longer the bottleneck, as its runtime has the same asymptotic scaling with the desired precision as the remainder of the simulation algorithm. We numerically demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method for the 1+1 dimensional Gross-Neveu model.

Publication Details

Publication Type
Journal Article
Year of Publication
Date Published