When the asymptotic limit offers no advantage in the local-operations-and-classical-communication paradigm

TitleWhen the asymptotic limit offers no advantage in the local-operations-and-classical-communication paradigm
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsFu, H, Leung, D, Mancinska, L
JournalPhys. Rev. A
Date Published5/9/2014

We consider bipartite LOCC, the class of operations implementable by local quantum operations and classical communication between two parties. Surprisingly, there are operations that can be approximated to arbitrary precision but are impossible to implement exactly if only a finite number of messages are exchanged. This significantly complicates the analysis of what can or cannot be approximated with LOCC. Toward alleviating this problem, we exhibit two scenarios in which allowing vanishing error does not help. The first scenario is implementation of projective measurements with product measurement operators. The second scenario is the discrimination of unextendable product bases on two three-dimensional systems.
