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S. Gopalakrishnan and Gullans, M., Entanglement and purification transitions in non-Hermitian quantum mechanics, Phys. Rev. Lett., in press, 2021.
M. Foss-Feig, Gong, Z. - X., Gorshkov, A. V., and Clark, C. W., Entanglement and spin-squeezing without infinite-range interactions, 2016.
Z. Eldredge, Zhou, L., Bapat, A., Garrison, J. R., Deshpande, A., Chong, F. T., and Gorshkov, A. V., Entanglement Bounds on the Performance of Quantum Computing Architectures, Phys. Rev. Research, vol. 2, no. 033316, 2020.
J. Chen, Cubitt, T. S., Harrow, A. W., and Smith, G., Entanglement can completely defeat quantum noise, Physical Review Letters, vol. 107, no. 25, 2011.
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M. F. Maghrebi and Reid, H., Entanglement entropy of dispersive media from thermodynamic entropy in one higher dimension, Physical Review Letters, vol. 114, no. 15, p. 151602, 2015.
M. Van Regemortel, Cian, Z. - P., Seif, A., Dehghani, H., and Hafezi, M., Entanglement entropy scaling transition under competing monitoring protocols, 2020.
P. Nguyen, Devakul, T., Halbasch, M. G., Zaletel, M. P., and Swingle, B., Entanglement of purification: from spin chains to holography, Journal of High Energy Physics, p. 98, 2018.
M. Ippoliti, Gullans, M., Gopalakrishnan, S., Huse, D. A., and Khemani, V., Entanglement Phase Transitions in Measurement-Only Dynamics, Physical Review X, vol. 11, no. 1, 2021.
J. Cotler, Hayden, P., Penington, G., Salton, G., Swingle, B., and Walter, M., Entanglement Wedge Reconstruction via Universal Recovery Channels, 2017.
V. Srinivasa, Taylor, J. M., and Tahan, C., Entangling distant resonant exchange qubits via circuit quantum electrodynamics, Physical Review B, vol. 94, no. 20, p. 205421, 2016.
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S. P. Jordan, Farhi, E., and Shor, P. W., Error correcting codes for adiabatic quantum computation, Physical Review A, vol. 74, no. 5, 2006.
X. Fu and Gottesman, D., Error Correction in Dynamical Codes, 2024.
P. Niroula, Gopalakrishnan, S., and Gullans, M., Error Mitigation Thresholds in Noisy Quantum Circuits, 2023.
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S. P. Jordan and Wocjan, P., Estimating Jones and HOMFLY polynomials with One Clean Qubit, Quantum Information and Computation, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 264-289, 2009.
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L. Pedro García-Pintos, Bharti, K., Bringewatt, J., Dehghani, H., Ehrenberg, A., Halpern, N. Yunger, and Gorshkov, A. V., Estimation of Hamiltonian parameters from thermal states, 2024.
J. Yu, Chen, Y. - A., and Sarma, S. Das, Euler-obstructed Cooper pairing: Nodal superconductivity and hinge Majorana zero modes, Physical Review B, vol. 105, 2022.