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S. T. Flammia, Gross, D., Liu, Y. - K., and Eisert, J., Quantum Tomography via Compressed Sensing: Error Bounds, Sample Complexity, and Efficient Estimators , New Journal of Physics, vol. 14, no. 9, p. 095022, 2012.
A. M. Childs, Kimmel, S., and Kothari, R., The quantum query complexity of read-many formulas, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7501, pp. 337-348, 2012.
J. Bub, Why the Tsirelson bound?, The Probable and the Improbable: The Meaning and Role of Probability in Physics, pp. 167-185, 2012.
D. Kafri and Taylor, J. M., Algorithmic Cooling of a Quantum Simulator, 2012.
J. Chen and Winter, A., Non-Additivity of the Entanglement of Purification (Beyond Reasonable Doubt) , 2012.
S. P. Jordan, Lee, K. S. M., and Preskill, J., Quantum Algorithms for Quantum Field Theories, Science, vol. 336, no. 6085, pp. 1130 - 1133, 2012.
J. Chen, Ji, Z., Ruskai, M. Beth, Zeng, B., and Zhou, D. - L., Comment on some results of Erdahl and the convex structure of reduced density matrices, Journal of Mathematical Physics, vol. 53, no. 7, p. 072203, 2012.
X. -song Ma, Dakic, B., Kropatsche, S., Naylor, W., Chan, Y. -hao, Gong, Z. - X., Duan, L. -ming, Zeilinger, A., and Walther, P., Photonic quantum simulation of ground state configurations of Heisenberg square and checkerboard lattice spin systems , 2012.
S. P. Jordan, Kobayashi, H., Nagaj, D., and Nishimura, H., Achieving perfect completeness in classical-witness quantum Merlin-Arthur proof systems, Quantum Information and Computation, vol. 12, no. 5-6, pp. 461-471, 2012.
A. Anandkumar, Foster, D. P., Hsu, D., Kakade, S. M., and Liu, Y. - K., A Spectral Algorithm for Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Algorithmica, pp. 193-214, 2012.
C. Bouey, Graves, C., Ostrander, A., and Palma, G., Non-Recursively Constructible Recursive Families of Graphs, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, vol. 19, no. 2, 2012.
J. Chen, Ji, Z., Klyachko, A., Kribs, D. W., and Zeng, B., Rank Reduction for the Local Consistency Problem, Journal of Mathematical Physics, vol. 53, no. 2, p. 022202, 2012.
B. Zhan, Kimmel, S., and Hassidim, A., Super-Polynomial Quantum Speed-ups for Boolean Evaluation Trees with Hidden Structure, ITCS '12 Proceedings of the 3rd Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science Conference, pp. 249-265, 2012.
D. Mazza and Ross, N. J., Full Abstraction for Set-Based Models of the Symmetric Interaction Combinators, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures, vol. 7213, pp. 316-330, 2012.
J. Chen, Ji, Z., Kribs, D., Wei, Z., and Zeng, B., Ground-State Spaces of Frustration-Free Hamiltonians, Journal of Mathematical Physics, vol. 53, no. 10, p. 102201, 2012.
D. E. Chang, Jiang, L., Gorshkov, A. V., and Kimble, H. J., Cavity QED with atomic mirrors, New J. Phys., vol. 14, p. 063003, 2012.
G. Alagic and Bering, E. A., Quantum Algorithms for Invariants of Triangulated Manifolds, Quantum Info. Comput. Vol. , vol. 12, no. 9-10, pp. 843-863, 2012.
T. Peyronel, Firstenberg, O., Liang, Q. - Y., Hofferberth, S., Gorshkov, A. V., Pohl, T., Lukin, M. D., and Vuletic, V., Quantum nonlinear optics with single photons enabled by strongly interacting atoms, Nature (London), vol. 488, p. 57, 2012.
A. V. Gorshkov, Manmana, S. R., Chen, G., Ye, J., Demler, E., Lukin, M. D., and Rey, A. Maria, Tunable Superfluidity and Quantum Magnetism with Ultracold Polar Molecules , Physical Review Letters, vol. 107, no. 11, 2011.
K. R. A. Hazzard, Gorshkov, A. V., and Rey, A. Maria, Spectroscopy of dipolar fermions in 2D pancakes and 3D lattices, Physical Review A, vol. 84, no. 3, 2011.
A. V. Gorshkov, Otterbach, J., Fleischhauer, M., Pohl, T., and Lukin, M. D., Photon-Photon Interactions via Rydberg Blockade, Physical Review Letters, vol. 107, no. 13, 2011.
A. V. Gorshkov, Manmana, S. R., Chen, G., Demler, E., Lukin, M. D., and Rey, A. Maria, Quantum Magnetism with Polar Alkali Dimers, Physical Review A, vol. 84, no. 3, 2011.
M. F. Maghrebi, Abravanel, R., and Jaffe, R. L., Implications of the Babinet Principle for Casimir Interactions, Physical Review D, vol. 84, no. 6, 2011.
H. Xu and Taylor, J. M., Unified approach to topological quantum computation with anyons: From qubit encoding to Toffoli gate, Physical Review A, vol. 84, no. 1, 2011.
S. T. Flammia and Liu, Y. - K., Direct Fidelity Estimation from Few Pauli Measurements, Physical Review Letters, vol. 106, no. 23, 2011.