Many-Body Quantum Teleportation via Operator Spreading in the Traversable Wormhole Protocol

TitleMany-Body Quantum Teleportation via Operator Spreading in the Traversable Wormhole Protocol
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsSchuster, T, Kobrin, B, Gao, P, Cong, I, Khabiboulline, ET, Linke, NM, Lukin, MD, Monroe, C, Yoshida, B, Yao, NY
JournalPhysical Review X
Date Published8/5/2022

By leveraging shared entanglement between a pair of qubits, one can teleport a quantum state from one particle to another. Recent advances have uncovered an intrinsically many-body generalization of quantum teleportation, with an elegant and surprising connection to gravity. In particular, the teleportation of quantum information relies on many-body dynamics, which originate from strongly-interacting systems that are holographically dual to gravity; from the gravitational perspective, such quantum teleportation can be understood as the transmission of information through a traversable wormhole. Here, we propose and analyze a new mechanism for many-body quantum teleportation -- dubbed peaked-size teleportation. Intriguingly, peaked-size teleportation utilizes precisely the same type of quantum circuit as traversable wormhole teleportation, yet has a completely distinct microscopic origin: it relies upon the spreading of local operators under generic thermalizing dynamics and not gravitational physics. We demonstrate the ubiquity of peaked-size teleportation, both analytically and numerically, across a diverse landscape of physical systems, including random unitary circuits, the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model (at high temperatures), one-dimensional spin chains and a bulk theory of gravity with stringy corrections. Our results pave the way towards using many-body quantum teleportation as a powerful experimental tool for: (i) characterizing the size distributions of operators in strongly-correlated systems and (ii) distinguishing between generic and intrinsically gravitational scrambling dynamics. To this end, we provide a detailed experimental blueprint for realizing many-body quantum teleportation in both trapped ions and Rydberg atom arrays; effects of decoherence and experimental imperfections are analyzed.
