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Q. - Y. Liang, Venkatramani, A. V., Cantu, S. H., Nicholson, T. L., Gullans, M., Gorshkov, A. V., Thompson, J. D., Chin, C., Lukin, M. D., and Vuletic, V., Observation of three-photon bound states in a quantum nonlinear medium, Science, vol. 359, no. 6377, pp. 783-786, 2018.
Q. - Y. Liang, Venkatramani, A. V., Cantu, S. H., Nicholson, T. L., Gullans, M., Gorshkov, A. V., Thompson, J. D., Chin, C., Lukin, M. D., and Vuletic, V., Observation of three-photon bound states in a quantum nonlinear medium, Science, vol. 359, no. 6377, pp. 783-786, 2018.
A. Zabalo, Gullans, M., Wilson, J. H., Vasseur, R., Ludwig, A. W. W., Gopalakrishnan, S., Huse, D. A., and Pixley, J. H., Operator Scaling Dimensions and Multifractality at Measurement-Induced Transitions, Physical Review Letters, vol. 128, 2022.
I. C. Cloët, Dietrich, M. R., Arrington, J., Bazavov, A., Bishof, M., Freese, A., Gorshkov, A. V., Grassellino, A., Hafidi, K., Jacob, Z., McGuigan, M., Meurice, Y., Meziani, Z. - E., Mueller, P., Muschik, C., Osborn, J., Otten, M., Petreczky, P., Polakovic, T., Poon, A., Pooser, R., Roggero, A., Saffman, M., VanDevender, B., Zhang, J., and Zohar, E., Opportunities for Nuclear Physics & Quantum Information Science, 2019.
T. Bagci, Simonsen, A., Schmid, S., Villanueva, L. G., Zeuthen, E., Appel, J., Taylor, J. M., Sørensen, A., Usami, K., Schliesser, A., and Polzik, E. S., Optical detection of radio waves through a nanomechanical transducer, Nature, vol. 507, no. 7490, pp. 81 - 85, 2014.
D. Bacon, Childs, A. M., and van Dam, W., Optimal measurements for the dihedral hidden subgroup problem, 2005.
A. M. Childs, van Dam, W., Hung, S. - H., and Shparlinski, I. E., Optimal quantum algorithm for polynomial interpolation, 43rd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2016), vol. 55, p. 16:1--16:13, 2016.
A. M. Childs and van Dam, W., Quantum algorithm for a generalized hidden shift problem, 2005.
A. M. Childs and van Dam, W., Quantum algorithms for algebraic problems, Reviews of Modern Physics, vol. 82, no. 1, pp. 1 - 52, 2010.
A. M. Childs, Schulman, L. J., and Vazirani, U. V., Quantum algorithms for hidden nonlinear structures, 2007.
A. Deshpande, Mehta, A., Vincent, T., Quesada, N., Hinsche, M., Ioannou, M., Madsen, L., Lavoie, J., Qi, H., Eisert, J., Hangleiter, D., Fefferman, B., and Dhand, I., Quantum computational advantage via high-dimensional Gaussian boson sampling, Science Advances, vol. 8, p. eabi7894, 2022.
A. Deshpande, Mehta, A., Vincent, T., Quesada, N., Hinsche, M., Ioannou, M., Madsen, L., Lavoie, J., Qi, H., Eisert, J., Hangleiter, D., Fefferman, B., and Dhand, I., Quantum Computational Supremacy via High-Dimensional Gaussian Boson Sampling, 2021.
Y. Alexeev, Bacon, D., Brown, K. R., Calderbank, R., Carr, L. D., Chong, F. T., DeMarco, B., Englund, D., Farhi, E., Fefferman, B., Gorshkov, A. V., Houck, A., Kim, J., Kimmel, S., Lange, M., Lloyd, S., Lukin, M. D., Maslov, D., Maunz, P., Monroe, C., Preskill, J., Roetteler, M., Savage, M., Thompson, J., and Vazirani, U., Quantum Computer Systems for Scientific Discovery, 2019.
K. R. A. Hazzard, van den Worm, M., Foss-Feig, M., Manmana, S. R., Torre, E. Dalla, Pfau, T., Kastner, M., and Rey, A. Maria, Quantum correlations and entanglement in far-from-equilibrium spin systems , Physical Review A, vol. 90, no. 6, 2014.