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Alexander Schuckert

Postdoctoral Scholar

Postdoctoral Researcher
a photo of a man wearing a red shirt

Contact Information

1224 Atlantic Building


Alex is a Theoretical Quantum Optics Postdoctoral Fellow working closely with Zohreh Davoudi, Mohammad Hafezi, Alexey Gorshkov and Michael Gullans.  He is interested in finding algorithms and protocols for current analogue and digital quantum simulators, in particular those probing questions around quantum many-body physics and non-equilibrium dynamics.  He mainly has experience working with silicon donor, ion trap and cold atom platforms, however he maintains a deep experimental curiosity about all platforms. He considers the possibility of implementing his proposals in current devices a priority, which he pushes in particular in his part-time employment at Quantinuum. Alex obtained his PhD from the Technical University of Munich under the supervision of Michael Knap with a fellowship from the Max Planck Institute for quantum optics.

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