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B. J. Weber, Kalantre, S. S., McJunkin, T., Taylor, J. M., and Zwolak, J. P., Theoretical bounds on data requirements for the ray-based classification, SN Comput. Sci., vol. 3, no. 57, 2022.
J. Ziegler, McJunkin, T., Joseph, E. S., Kalantre, S. S., Harpt, B., Savage, D. E., Lagally, M. G., Eriksson, M. A., Taylor, J. M., and Zwolak, J. P., Toward Robust Autotuning of Noisy Quantum dot Devices, Physical Review Applied, vol. 17, 2022.
N. Yunger Halpern and Majidy, S., How to build Hamiltonians that transport noncommuting charges in quantum thermodynamics, npj Quantum Inf, vol. 8, no. 10, 2022.
D. H. Wu and Albert, V. V., Approximating the two-mode two-photon Rabi model, Physics Letters A, vol. 422, 2022.
H. Fu, Constant-sized correlations are sufficient to robustly self-test maximally entangled states with unbounded dimension, Quantum, vol. 6, p. 614, 2022.
G. Alagic, Bai, C., Katz, J., and Majenz, C., Post-Quantum Security of the Even-Mansour Cipher, Advances in Cryptology – EUROCRYPT 2022, 2022.
D. Hangleiter, Carolan, J., and Thébault, K. P. Y., Analogue Quantum Simulation: A New Instrument for Scientific Understanding. Springer Nature, 2022, pp. 83-102.
M. Pistoia, Ahmad, S. Farhan, Ajagekar, A., Buts, A., Chakrabarti, S., Herman, D., Hu, S., Jena, A., Minssen, P., Niroula, P., Rattew, A., Sun, Y., and Yalovetzky, R., Quantum Machine Learning for Finance, 2021.
K. C. Cox, Bienias, P., Meyer, D. H., Fahey, D. P., Kunz, P. D., and Gorshkov, A. V., Linear and continuous variable spin-wave processing using a cavity-coupled atomic ensemble, 2021.
K. C. Cox, Bienias, P., Meyer, D. H., Kunz, P. D., Fahey, D. P., and Gorshkov, A. V., Spin-Wave Quantum Computing with Atoms in a Single-Mode Cavity, 2021.
L. E. Hillberry, Jones, M. T., Vargas, D. L., Rall, P., Halpern, N. Yunger, Bao, N., Notarnicola, S., Montangero, S., and Carr, L. D., Entangled quantum cellular automata, physical complexity, and Goldilocks rules, Quantum Science and Technology, vol. 6, p. 045017, 2021.
W. J. Helton, Mousavi, H., Nezhadi, S. Sajjad, Paulsen, V. I., and Russell, T. B., Synchronous Values of Games, 2021.
D. P. Ornelas Huerta, Bienias, P., Craddock, A. N., Gullans, M., Hachtel, A. J., Kalinowski, M., Lyon, M. E., Gorshkov, A. V., Rolston, S. L., and Porto, J. V., Tunable three-body loss in a nonlinear Rydberg medium, Phys. Rev. Lett., in press , 2021.
J. De Nardis, Gopalakrishnan, S., Vasseur, R., and Ware, B., Subdiffusive hydrodynamics of nearly-integrable anisotropic spin chains, 2021.
K. Klocke, White, C. David, and Buchhold, M., Localization crossover and subdiffusive transport in a classical facilitated network model of a disordered, interacting quantum spin chain, 2021.
M. Barbosa, Barthe, G., Fan, X., Grégoire, B., Hung, S. - H., Katz, J., Strub, P. - Y., Wu, X., and Zhou, L., EasyPQC: Verifying Post-Quantum Cryptography, ACM CCS 2021, 2021.
T. J. Sewell and Jordan, S. P., Preparing Renormalization Group Fixed Points on NISQ Hardware, 2021.
O. Shtanko, Deshpande, A., Julienne, P. S., and Gorshkov, A. V., Complexity of Fermionic Dissipative Interactions and Applications to Quantum Computing, PRX Quantum, vol. 2, 2021.
R. Belyansky, Whitsitt, S., Lundgren, R., Wang, Y., Vrajitoarea, A., Houck, A. A., and Gorshkov, A. V., Frustration-induced anomalous transport and strong photon decay in waveguide QED, Phys. Rev. Research, vol. 3, no. 032058, 2021.
L. Pedro García-Pintos, Nicholson, S., Green, J. R., del Campo, A., and Gorshkov, A. V., Unifying Quantum and Classical Speed Limits on Observables, 2021.
N. - H. Chia, Chou, C. - N., Zhang, J., and Zhang, R., Quantum Meets the Minimum Circuit Size Problem, 2021.
D. Carney, Häffner, H., Moore, D. C., and Taylor, J. M., Trapped electrons and ions as particle detectors, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 127, no. 061804 , 2021.
X. Yuan, Sun, J., Liu, J., Zhao, Q., and Zhou, Y., Quantum Simulation with Hybrid Tensor Networks, Physical Review Letters, vol. 127, 2021.
J. K. Thompson, Parekh, O., and Marwaha, K., An explicit vector algorithm for high-girth MaxCut, 2021.
A. Bapat, Childs, A. M., Gorshkov, A. V., King, S., Schoute, E., and Shastri, H., Quantum routing with fast reversals, Quantum, vol. 5, 2021.