
UMD Team to Receive Distinguished Paper Award at POPL 2021

January 6, 2021

The paper—which includes input from QuICS Fellow Xiaodi Wu and doctoral student Shih-Han Hung—presents the first fully verified optimizer for quantum circuits implemented within a formal proof management system.

Former QuICS Graduate Student Receives Larry S. Davis Doctoral Dissertation Award

December 14, 2020

Yuan Su, who graduated with a Ph.D. in computer science in Spring 2020, is one of only two students to receive the coveted award this year.

Proposal Shows How Noisy Qubits Might Correct Themselves

December 9, 2020

Alexey Gorshkov, a Fellow in the Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Sciences (QuICS), and newly-arrived QuICS Fellow Victor Albert—along with others—have proposed an easier path to creating stable quantum bits.

Hunt for Quantum Speedups Closes a Door But Opens a Window

November 11, 2020

A paper by Daochen Wang (in photo) and Andrew Childs in QuICS explores current boundaries—and possible future advances—involving exponential quantum speedups.

Wu Receives AFOSR Award to Develop Methods to Fend Off Quantum Attacks

November 11, 2020

The project will receive $450K over the next three years as part of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator Research Program.

QuICS Welcomes Two New Fellows

October 26, 2020

Victor Albert and Michael Gullans arrived this fall and are now embedded within the QuICS research community.

Monroe Elected OSA Fellow

October 16, 2020

The fellowship is an acknowledgment of accomplishments and contributions within the community of scientists who study light.

Gorshkov Elected APS Fellow

September 28, 2020

He is one of 163 APS members to join the select group this year.

QuICS Faculty Join New DOE-Funded Quantum Centers

August 28, 2020

Each center is funded by a $115 million award from the Department of Energy as part of the National Quantum Initiative Act of 2018.

New Quantum Information Speed Limits Depend on the Task at Hand

July 13, 2020

A group of UMD researchers led by QuICS Fellow Alexey Gorshkov have found something surprising: the speed limit for quantum information can depend on the task at hand.

Newest Hartree Fellow Mines the Depths of Quantum Resource Theories

June 30, 2020

Qi Zhao is an expert in quantum resource theories—the mathematical tools that let researchers characterize and quantify the utility of quantum resources.

The Impossibility of Efficient Quantum Coin Flipping

May 1, 2020

QuICS Fellow Carl Miller uses math and quantum physics to explore “fairness” in coin flipping.

QuICS Graduate Student Receives IBM Ph.D. Fellowship

April 8, 2020

The funding will support doctoral student Eddie Schoute’s research in developing new methods to route quantum information more efficiently.

To Tune Up Your Quantum Computer, Better Call an AI Mechanic

April 1, 2020

A recently published paper co-authored by personnel from QuICS outlines a way to teach an AI to make an interconnected set of adjustments to tiny quantum dots that would form the switches in a quantum computer’s processor.

Wu Receives NSF CAREER Award to Explore End-to-End Quantum Applications

March 12, 2020

The funding supports Wu’s efforts to bridge the gap between the theoretical foundation of quantum computing and the limitation of realistic quantum machines.